If you are concerned about where to celebrate the anniversary?
If You didn’t choose a place to celebrate your birthday cheap??
If you don’t know where to eat and drink beer in a cozy and inviting environment?
— You should definitely visit a good beer restaurant!
If you are interested in an inexpensive beer restaurant with a wonderful beer in a wide range?
If you expect a discount from a beer restaurant?
If you are interested in beer promotions?
— you will find all this in the Belgian beer restaurant «Lambic» in the center of Moscow
The question «where to drink beer» is removed immediately — in our restaurant You can order a wide variety of high-quality Belgian beer::
— light or dark;
— classic or original recipe;
— со with malt and hop flavor or with a fruity aftertaste (cherry, peach, orange,...);
— single or triple density or triple fermentation.
The question of a high-quality, but «inexpensive beer restaurant» — is easily solved:
Our restaurant on Kurskaya regularly hosts interesting beer promotions, including holiday promotions and weekend beer promotions.
By and large, the question of «high cost» — is a philosophical concept. Half a million rubles for a «Lada» — car is definitely expensive, but for a «Volkswagen» — it is cheap. Therefore, you should definitely take into account that::
— Belgian beer is the leader in the world of foamy drinks;
— our restaurant serves the most popular and best Belgian Beers;
— the Belgian beer restaurant «Lambik» is one of the best beer restaurants in Moscow.
In view of the above — «inexpensive beer restaurant» — for the restaurant «Lambik» is not quite the correct description, but we can safely say that our beer restaurant is quite comfortable prices.